Following the sizzling success of its sponsorship and stand at IRX 2021, CCL Logistics & Technology is pleased to announce it has signed up to IRX 2022, from 11- 12 May at NEC, Birmingham.
The decision came as CCL reflected upon the achievements of this year’s event. IRX 2021 saw the CCL team talk to over 300 people, connecting with prospective customers, suppliers and partners.
With 100+ exhibitors, 90+ speakers and a record number of visitors, IRX 2021 provided the perfect stage for CCL to showcase its suite of logistics and technology solutions, which help businesses reduce costs and grow.
This year saw more enquiries than ever around myCCL, CCL’s multi-carrier management platform, with 3/4s of those the CCL team talked to asking about the technology.
Throughout the conference the CCL team were hard at work demonstrating myCCL, which allows businesses to book, label and track parcel and pallet shipments, using CCL’s discounted rates, or their own carrier accounts.
myCCL was just one of CCL’s focuses at IRX, with its stand’s four arches showing its full offering of multi-carrier management, logistic services, warehouse productivity and customer experience solutions. This year a third of those CCL talked to expressed interest in hearing about CCL’s full suite of solutions.
Now busy following up on these conversations, the CCL team look forward to speaking to their IRX contacts in the following days.